Our mission is to advocate for American and global leadership and policies that advance human rights and democracy for all Hong Kongers.
June 4, 1989, was a seminal date for democratic transformation. On one side of the globe, the Chinese Communist Party used tanks and bullets to suppress the peaceful protest in Tiananmen Square. On the opposite side, Poland witnessed its first free election since WWII, in which the Polish Solidarity opposition won a landslide, capturing all but one seat in the parliament's upper and lower houses. We marked this 35th anniversary at the European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk, Poland.
Screening of "The Hong Konger: Jimmy Lai's Extraordinary Struggle for Freedom" in Stockholm, Sweden (May 2024). We marked the ongoing trial of Jimmy Lai in Hong Kong and the 60th birthday of Gui Minhai in absentia. It is unknown if Gui is still alive or where he might be imprisoned since he was abducted by the Chinese Communist Party in 2015.
“Conspiracy to commit journalism? The trial of Jimmy Lai and media freedom in Hong Kong.” Watch the discussion at International Journalism Festival 2024 with Matthew Caruana Galizia (co-founder of Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation), Samuel Chu (founder and president of The Campaign for Hong Kong), Caoilfhionn Gallagher (barrister Doughty Street Chambers), Sebastien Lai (son of Jimmy Lai (via video)), Rebecca Vincent (director campaigns Reporters Without Borders)
The Campaign for Hong Kong's President, Samuel Chu, joined Dr. Phil Primetime to discuss transnational repression perpetrated by the Chinese government.
New book: "Freedom Undone: The Assault on Liberal Values and Institutions in Hong Kong" by Prof. Michael C. Davis. What happens when liberal constitutional institutions are undone? Can Freedom survive the loss of separation of powers with the associated legal and political accountability? The Chinese Communist Party has been at the forefront in its disdain for liberal institutions and promoting illiberal alternatives. This disdain placed Hong Kong people on the frontlines of the global struggle for freedom.
"A statue or monument can be removed or destroyed, but ideas and memories cannot. Chop down one Pillar, replicas big and small will be erected in its place. In trying to stem the spread of dissent, those in power have instead unleashed something that is epidemically more contagious, dangerous, and impossible to eradicate."